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Competition Rules
Brandon avatar
Written by Brandon
Updated over a week ago

Our competitions at UWM are open to anyone who wishes to participate. The following rules apply to each competition. Breaching any of these rules will immediately disqualify competition participants.

  • You may only have one registered account through one email address and one IP address; if you register multiple accounts you will be immediately disqualified

  • The daily drawdown for the competition is calculated based on the balance or equity, whichever is greater when the day changes 5 pm EST. The daily drawdown amount is always fixed to 5% of the initial balance. For the $100k account, the daily drawdown will always be $5k minus the balance or equity (whichever is higher when the day resets at 5 pm EST or 00:00 GMT+3).

  • Maximum 5 lots across all positions

  • Leverage is the same as our Evaluation assessments

  • No EAs are allowed

  • 10% Max Total Drawdown

  • 5 Minimum Trading Days

  • No taking advantage of unrealistic fills in the demo environment

Becoming Disqualified

If your account is not active for more than 14 days, it will become expired and be disqualified from the competition. If this occurs, you will not be able to participate in the current competition but you are welcome to join the following month's competition.

Please note that all trades must be closed prior to the competition's end in order to be eligible for the respective prizes.

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